Must be interesting to be around someone who thinks you're going to be smoked on the day of Arrmageddon. Someone else on the forum indicated that if one is a fallen JW, that they might still be salvagable if they're resurrected on the big day and then decide to go with Jehovah when they see what's going down. I've actually heard this before as it pertains to those who die without hearing the gospel message. You're resurrected, then you see what's going down and you make your choice. I'm not certain how it works or what kind of a time frame is involved, but it's supposed to be some sort of a recalibration that makes things more equitable.
Of course, if you're alive when this all goes down, you've pretty much sealed your fate. There's also the tribulation that to my knowledge still hasn't taken place. If you see the tribulation beginning, you may decide to return when you see it fulfilled, which raises the question of how many fallen JWs would return if they saw some of these things starting to take place? (I've seen THE BUNKER videos and don't they have to start rounding JWs up _before_ Armageddon happens?)
Also, as far as I know, adultery and murder are the only two reasons one can use for divorce. Apostasy doesn't apply. If a JW spouse stays in a marriage and the other one begins to negatively influence the kids, that can't be good for the Society.